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If Your Dog Has Cancer, This Podcast Can Help

Amputation of Dog Leg? Really?? │ Dr. Demian Dressler Q&A

Is amputating a dog’s leg REALLY necessary if they have a bone cancer diagnosis? Can they recover? Episode Notes Sue’s little terrier has bone cancer, and the vet wants to amputate his leg. And Sue wants to know: is amputation REALLY necessary? It’s a super-common question that any dog lover facing osteosarcoma or another bone…read more

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CBD Oil for Dogs │ Dr. Demian Dressler Deep Dive

There is evidence that CBD has anti-cancer effects, anti-inflammatory effects, anti-anxiety effects, anti-seizure effects, and even anti-glaucoma effects. So why aren’t more vets recommending it? Well, for lots of reasons, it turns out. Episode Notes Host James Jacobson guides us through a wide-ranging and fascinating Deep Dive episode with guest Dr. Demian Dressler, co-author of…read more

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